3 min readFeb 9, 2024


Are you really late?

This is one of the days, I decided to activate the mobile photographer in me. This picture reminds me, of how God's creation literally screams "BEAUTY".

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “timetable”? I’m suspecting that your mind is already racing to those days you had to prepare for your examinations and you needed the timetable to know which course or subject to focus on and when to do so.

As I write this, conversations are going on in my mind as to whether this, should have been titled, “the yardstick”, or “the measuring tape", or just something else. However, I think I love this title as it encapsulates the whole idea of this piece. Shall we dive into this?

Life is full of stages, classes, phases and levels. It just keeps moving, from season to season. However, as we grow, evolve and progress, we discover that, while some of our peers or acquaintances seem to be “ahead of us" others seem to be “behind us". This, tends to mount pressure on a lot of people.

Pause for a moment.

Who told you, that you are late?

Who said you are behind?

Who said you are slow?

Who holds the timetable?

I want you to know that the timetable of your life is in the hands of the one who created you. The moment you realize this and walk in it, you will rid yourself of every pressure and focus on your path, your God-given lane. Settle in your heart that this is not a “first to finish", race. It is not a competition.

God doesn’t want you to use another person’s life as the measuring tape for yours. Your path is different, your lane is distinct. While people can inspire you to do better and grow, it’s important to know when to draw the line. Measure your life against God’s template for your life, His word. If John, the Baptist had used the life and ministry of Jesus to measure his, I think he would have been depressed. They were two different people with two different purposes.

If it’s the Lord that told you that you’re slow, oh perfect! That means, you have to increase your pace and trust Him for grace to be faster. However, if it wasn’t the Lord, I would plead that you take your eyes off such and focus on God and His plan for you. Not everyone will get that degree, marry, or have children at that particular age.


Don’t let other people or social media detect what your path should look like. Allow God’s word to carve out your path, and walk majestically in it knowing that you’re backed up by God, the father, God, the son and God, the Holyspirit.

That’s such a big flex!

When you understand this, you’ll truly understand why the father admonished us to rejoice with those who rejoice. Be genuinely happy for them, cheer them on and support them. The God that helped them on their path, is able to help you, on yours too.

Here’s a scripture that taught me this;

“You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.”

Psalms 139:13‭-‬16 MSG

A song for you too;

“Already there" by Casting Crowns,

With so much love,

I light you up!


Written by Shilorislightsup

A light: the father's light glowing and growing in her intensity, spreading God-colours through the fruit of her pen.

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